Postgraduate Programme (M.A.Ed.)
"Theory, Praxis and Evaluation of Educational Work"
Director of Postgraduate Program: Associate Professor C. Parthenis
Deputy Director: Professor A. Gena
The Postgraduate Program "Theory, Praxis and Evaluation of Educational Work" aims at providing high level contemporary postgraduate education in the scientific field of Pedagogy - Educational Sciences. The program specializes in the teaching and evaluation of the three student populations co-educated in schools:
a) typical students, ranging in differences and distinctive features
b) students with distinct cultural differences
c) students with distinct learning and/or developmental problems
Thus, the structure and content of the courses of the Postgraduate Program are articulated in the following three Specializations:
- Teaching Humanities and Educational Evaluation
- Intercultural Education
- Special Education
The duration of the courses, which lead to the Postgraduate Specialization Diploma, is at least four semesters.
Upon the successful completion of the courses (full-time study), the Postgraduate Program awards a Postgraduate Diploma in "Theory, Praxis and Evaluation of Educational Work", specializing in one of the above mentioned specializations.
- Hundreds of teachers and several (later on) education executives have attended this program.
- Dozens of its graduates work in public education (with success rates in ASEP competitions up to 50% compared to the 20% average for philologists) and many others work in private education.
- Dozens of students and graduates have participated in Greek and international scientific conferences and research programs, while several have completed their doctoral studies. A few have pursued academic careers.
Tel: 210 7277520
E-mail: thepae@ppp.uoa.gr
Social Media: Facebook